Thoughts & ramblings about my world, and the world around me... Cats, Cooking, Faire, Music, and more
Thursday, December 17, 2009
We all survived!
Well, we all survived the night, though I think Mollie's the only one who actually slept. Leo vacated the bed and slept somewhere else. Bow took her standard spot next to my pillow, and spent the whole night growling intermittently. For awhile, both the big ones were on the bed growling. It might have been fine if I'd managed to convince them to do it in unison, which might have gotten me a decent little massage happening, but oh no, they couldn't possibly do something to convenience me. So while we did all survive, unscathed, some of us were also unsleeping as well. Every time I was asleep nice and soundly, I felt a tiny movement near my feet, and then there was a growl that started in my ear. Fun times I tell ya!
While I've been in and out of the bedroom, puttering around the house and getting some things done, there's apparently been an understanding of sorts, develop, at least between Leo & Mollie. She stays out of his line of sight and he doesn't growl or hiss at her. Not that it really matters to her, since she can't hear it. Bow has decided she's just going to hide out. Earlier I came in and found her sitting in the sink in the bathroom. She was so happy to see me and purred her little brains out while we were in there, you would think she hadn't seen me in DAYS!
In other cat news, my friend and roomie, Erin (Nina) has gotten back into the cattery biz, specializing in hairless breeds, including Sphynx & Bambino. Check out HoBBiTcaTs at A little note before you start clicking… we ARE talking about hairless cats. Sure, initially there's a bit of squick for most people when talking about hairless cats, but they are some of the sweetest, most loving cats I've ever met. Also, they are not truly hairless, they do have a fine sort of like peach fuzz, and a bit more hair on their ears, and may also have thicker coats in patches or, like one I met recently, on their ankles. I adopted Mollie from her. Mollie is not out of her cattery and has normal cat hair, but is a dwarf, with short little legs and the sweetest personality that more than covers for the fact that she can't hear, which is why she was spayed and became a pet, instead of being part of a breeding program. One of these days things will settle down enough that I can get some video of her cute little rolling waddle.
As for me, I've had a bit of a busy day, and tomorrow's got several things on the agenda, including a trip to the Post Office, so I'm off to bed now.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Possibly my last post
I’ve mentioned my 2 before. Leo, my big boy, is about 11 now, and while he’s not frightened of his own shadow anymore, change tends to stress him a bit, and if there is too much activity outside our bedroom door, it does tend to upset him. Bow, my precious baby girl is 12 now, and still rotten as ever, and relatively certain that the world does, indeed, revolve around her multicolored little self.
I can assure you that neither is particularly pleased with the addition of Mollie to the bedroom! And, quite frankly, I think at least part of their annoyance stems from the fact that she seems not to give a damn about the fact that they are growling and hissing at her. It matters not that she is less than ½ their size (and, as a dwarf, that’s all she ever will be).
When I first brought her in tonite, I took her to the litterbox, so she knew where it was, and then I let her go on walkabout, during which she found the water dish, the food dish, and Bow. That conversation went something like this:
{both cats on the floor at the foot of the bed, with Leo looking down on them}
Mollie: *dopey look that says “huh?”*
At this point, I scruffed Bow where she stood on the ground and talked to her, telling her Mollie is fine and she doesn’t have to be ugly. Mollie passed her and went to the food dish. Bow heads around to the other side of the bed and goes under it.
Her first conversation with Leo went like so:
{Mollie jumps onto the bed about 4 inches from his face}
Leo: grrrRRRRRRROW pff
Mollie: (cuts him off) RRROWWW pft (and a swipe of her paw that misses him by a mile)
Mollie: turns her back on him, waddles to the pillow and starts washing her paw
Bow eventually gets out from under the bed, Mollie has by now moved down to the foot of the bed for a full on bath and quick nap. Leo has been hissing intermittently and glaring, first at me, then at Mollie. I finally convinced Bow to come out and get up on the bed beside me, which she does, but she steadfastly refuses to purr, and is intermittently growling at Mollie, who, being deaf, doesn’t hear it, and thus doesn’t really care.
They have each finally settled down now, hopefully for the night. Mollie’s asleep on a pillow on one side of me, Bow’s in her favorite spot on the other side of me, where she’ll be right IN MY FACE should she need to tell me anything in the middle of the night, and Leo’s down at the foot of the bed with his back to me, so I’ve no idea if he is awake or asleep.
At any rate, it may be a couple of days before I’m able to update, should there ensue a heated discussion in the night, of exactly what the pecking order in this little abode shall be. If anyone has any “make the kitties get along famously” sorts of spells, incantations, or ideas, please send them my way, as I may need them soon….
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Success & Re-evaluation
As Christmas creeps ever closer, I am having good days and bad days, and gradually the good are beginning to outnumber the bad. In the past year the circumstances have forced me to step back and re-evaluate my life, and what's truly important. I had truly become complacent, and lost sight of the direction I was headed. I lost sight of ME, in my drive to be helpful, and a 'good friend' and somewhere along the line, I forgot that not only am I a good friend, I have some very good friends as well.
My success is not measured by the number of people that I rescue or help, nor is it measured by the work I do. I am a good person, a good friend, and sometimes shit happens, deserved or not. I am in the process of starting over, from the lowest I have ever been. Everything I own could be packed into a 10x20 storage building. Growing up, it seemed that everyone around me had more than we did. Oh, we were not poor, by any means, but we did live fairly modestly, and didn't have a lot of modern material things, or the latest gadgets, but I also understood that THINGS were just that, and that possessions don't equate with happiness, love, or contentment. Even as an adult, I have tended to purchase items I really want, after considering my options, AND whether or not I truly want to invest my money into a particular item, rather than competing to keep up with the Jones', Smith's, or anyone else. Sure, I have many things that truly are luxury items, rather than necessities, and very few of them are collecting dust from disuse.
I have never been in this situation before… I always had Mom to fall back on, in the event of a crisis, but not this time. I have had to reach out and ask for help, which has always been hard for me to do, whether it was schoolwork, or moving. I suppose that my mother and grandmother did a bit too good of a job teaching me to be self-reliant and not allow myself to become dependent on anyone else, because having to ask for help makes me feel weak, helpless, and like a failure, when that it truly not the case. The failure that I have experienced in the last 18 months or so is not truly MY failure, it is the failure of other people to do the right and moral thing. My only failing is in being too trusting and trying to provide a safety net. I have long considered myself blessed to have friends that I can trust, and while this year has shifted where some of those friends are on the true and reliable friend spectrum, I see a much clearer picture of many of those people that have shifted. And, truth be told, I've discovered a level to some of the relationships in my life that is much stronger than I imagined it was, and for that, I am grateful.
Over the weekend, I closed a chapter that a year ago, I would never have dreamed would close as it did, when I turned the keys over to the house that I once thought I would eventually purchase. It was a great size for me, and while there were a few little quirks about it, it could have been truly perfect for me, had I ever managed to sort through all the crap that I had been either carrying around for the last 7 years, but also that which I accumulated in the 19 months that I lived there, so that I could organize effectively. On my way out the door, after walking through with my friend and landlord, I smudged the whole house with a sage stick, in an effort to cleanse any negative energy still floating around and leave it with a clean slate. I am hopeful that closing that chapter, and the negativity that ultimately I came to have to live with while I was there will free me to move on to bigger and better things. I am truly blessed by the fact that while my living situation is far from perfect, it is MUCH closer to perfect than what many people have, as I do know where I will lay my head each night, and I know where my next meal will come from, and I can have my cats with me.
This will not be an easy journey, finding my way back to where I should be, emotionally, and physically, not to mention spiritually. Christmas, Yule, Chanukkah, each have their own traditions and ideas, yet somehow they work together, at least in my little head. I think that the most prevalent theme across all 3 is Light. Winter Solstice (Yule) celebrates the longest night of the year, which then gives rise to lengthening periods of light during the day. Chanukkah celebrates the 8 nights of light provided by only one night's worth of oil. Christmas the birth of Christ, believed to be the light of the world. I've been perhaps not in full darkness, but certainly not fully in the light that is available, sometimes by my own choice, sometimes as a result of the depression that does run in my family, sometimes simply because the combination of depression and other people's choices which affect me directly become overwhelming, and in an effort to not hurt the people around me, I withdraw into the darkness in order to try and find a little peace.
Tonight's list of things I am grateful for (aside from the obvious warm bed and a safe roof over my head)
- Friends and family that loves and accepts me for who I am, and not what I can do for them, or anyone else.
- Knowledge that I do not have to be perfect in anyone's eyes, and that striving to be so hurts me more than it does anyone else
- The ability and willingness to measure my success by its own yardstick, independent of material or superficial things or events
And on that note, it is off to bed with my sleepy little brain.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
OOH LOOK, I have posted again!
It's been a busy couple of weeks since Thanksgiving. The move is almost complete, literally. Tomorrow I'm going back to the old place to clean and pick up the last few items still over there, and Saturday will do the final walk through and turn over the keys I honestly had hoped that I would live there for many years, and ultimately purchase the house, but alas that was not to be.
My friends, The Rogues, entered a Battle of the Bands being sponsored by an Irish brewery. They took 2nd place in the preliminary round, out of 65 bands from North America and Europe, and advanced to the finals. If they win, they will go to Las Vegas to perform at one of the resorts for St. Patrick's Day, 2010! If you would take just a moment to go to, watch their video, which is listed first on the page, and cast your vote, I would really appreciate it, as would they. Also, your vote will also enter you into a drawing for a trip to Vegas to see them!
Thursday afternoon I made my 3rd annual trek to Galveston for Dickens on the Strand. I had hoped to head down earlier in the day, but alas that didn't work out and it was very nearly 4 p.m. before I got out of here! I was looking forward to seeing the island in the daylight, to see the recovery from Ike. Obviously since it was after 9 when I arrived, I was only able to see what was lit, and truthfully, that alone was an AMAZING difference from last year! I stayed with friends who live on the island, in a beautiful, late 19th century home, which, fortunately sustained no real damage to the living spaces, though the workshop on the ground floor had about 5 feet of water & muck in it. Of course we stayed up entirely too late, since we hadn't seen each other since June. They added a train to the scene in their living room.
If you look closely, you'll see that it's a LEGO set! How awesome is that? Apparently you can go to the LEGO website and design whatever you want and get the pieces shipped to you!
Friday was full of roasting and other preparation of food for the party Saturday night. I promise to put up recipes later. There were dire predictions of a significant (for Galveston, anyway) snowfall on Friday, however we only saw a few tiny flurries that didn't amount to anything, and about 5 minutes of sleet, but it was COLD! It was good to see more of the island than I've seen in a great many years! We had lunch at a little bakery called the Sunflower Bakery & Cafe as we had to go by there to pick up the birthday cake. I can highly recommend their Deluxe Grilled Cheese, made with Gruyere Swiss, applewood bacon, and tomato (which I left off, thankyouverymuch) on sourdough. Of course we stayed up way too late again that night, but that's because the rest of the visitors had rolled into town.
Saturday dawned COLD, and I layered up so in an effort to be warm but not overly hot and needing to go back and forth to the car. It was a cold, but pretty day, and the crowds were pretty good, from what I saw. I kind of thought I might run into more people from up here than I did, but for whatever reason, it just didn't happen. The Rogues had 2 stage shows and did several street shows throughout the day. I have to say that being back in the pub was AWESOME, since last year we were pretty much out on a street corner the whole weekend because so much, including the pub was not yet open again after the storm. Because of the weather in the Midwest, one of the pipers couldn't get back to TX in time for Saturday's shows, so we had an emergency fill-in, Stuart Clements, who did a fabulous job, especially considering that he had NEVER played with the Rogues before! It was a wonderful day, and the gathering at the house that night was, of course, a good time, as the bunch of us that was there tends to spend a lot of time laughing and enjoying the conversation, not to mention the food!
Sunday was a bit warmer, and another beautiful day on the floaty bit out there in the Gulf. I was only out until about 2:30 due to a need to get the Canadian contingent back to the airport in time for their flight. I did score some fun things, including a couple of Woozies, a smartass, an awesome 2 piece barrette thing for my hair, and a couple of other gifts that I am not ready to reveal, lest I spoil the surprise! My drive home was longer than I would have liked, largely because it was rainy for about half the trip, but I was certainly glad to get back to my kitties and my own bed, on the ground floor, as opposed to on the 2nd floor of a house that sits about 12 feet above ground level to begin with… Have I mentioned my butt is quite tired from all those stairs?
Today's random weirdness can be traced back to Sunday at Dickens, and the smartass I bought. On Saturday, as I walked around looking at the various vendors, I came across one that had a variety of pins shaped like butts. There was a rat's ass, dumbass, a smartass, a kickass, a pain in the ass, cinnamon buns, a candyass, an ass 'n' 9, a grapeass, a buttface, and I don't even remember all of the rest of them, but I found them highly amusing, and went back on Sunday to purchase one of the smartass, and a rat's ass. While I was standing there deciding just which ones I needed, I noticed some beads on the other corner of the booth. When I'd made my selection, I was looking at the rest of the booth, and I realized that the beads over there were ROSARIES! That struck me as even more amusing than the asses in the first place, having both products in the same booth!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Giving Thanks
Another holiday season has officially arrived. Today's attire included this year's first wearing of the festive holiday attire. I left the headwear at home, but the earrings came out, as did the festive holiday socks. I went over for dinner with some fellow MacGiggles and had some fried turkey and tasty sides, plus chocolate cherry cake, a wee slice of pumpkin cake, and a bit of chocolate chip pie. Of course there was a good bit of giggling and some interesting stories told.
By the time I got home, my cats were unhappy, the dog & pig were more than ready to come back into the house, and the upstairs cats were STARVING! I got everybody fed and settled in for the night, and I am POOPED! (Ok, I THOUGHT they were settled, but it sounds as if Bob, Mollie & Blondie are having a conga line or something upstairs!
On my racing trip back to the old house in the hopes that my camera was still over there, I also located one of the 3 iPod cords that I'd torn up my space looking for last night, so I was also able to re-sync the Christmas playlist back onto it, because, well, it's time to listen to and sing Christmas songs! While I am of the firm opinion that Christmas carols should not be played publicly until Thanksgiving, starting on Thanksgiving Day, I'm blasting them as much as possible, and singing along, usually out of key, loving them! Christmas is generally my favorite time of year, I suspect partially because of the amount of joy that seems to be in the air.
Tomorrow's a busy day with finding a storage building, finishing the unpacking of what is already here, and posting the Christmas stash onto Ebay in hopes of clearing more of the stuff that I've been carrying around out. I absolutely want to have my room put together before I head to Galveston for Dickens next week! Since that's the case, I'm thinkin' it's time for me to head for bed, with Too Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar as my bedtime viewing/listening!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
What a shocker…
Last night's bedtime viewing, since I don't yet have the satellite box procured to connect my tv to what's on real television, was Miss Congeniality. I have to fall asleep to something funny and light, or else I dream of being in the middle of whatever drama is playing, and restful sleep is elusive in those situations. I have a timer set to shut the tv off around the time that the movie ends, but haven't figured out how to shut off the DVD player/recorder, so when I turn the tv back on, the DVD is stopped at the end of the episode or on a menu of some sort. When I turned the tv on tonite, the menu is the Special Features menu. One of those features is a "Do You Have What it Takes to Be a Beauty Queen?" quiz, so just for shits & giggles I took it. Several questions I have no idea what I answered because the little circle around the letters didn't show up, however, whatever answer it took was either a. the answer I intended, or b. not different enough from what I intended to really matter in the grand scheme of things. Apparently, I SHOULD be the winner of the crown, because I'm beautiful, have a good outlook on life, AND I'm smart, however I won't win: "because of your brains, you don't need to win, you have other ambitions in life, however because you won't lie, manipulate, or cheat to win, you always lose to the one who will 'accidentally' trip you or hide the shoes that match your evening dress." I would say that's relatively accurate, because I won't cheat, lie, or manipulate people or situations just to win, and honestly, I would rather lose with class and knowing that I did the best I could, than to win because I cheated or caused someone else to lose because of my actions intended to harm their chances. Actually, it's just that standard, and the inability to truly understand how or why anyone else would have any other standard, that has gotten me burned in the past. I just have to work harder on listening to my inner cynic and pay a little more attention to what she tells me.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I'm going to dinner with some of my fellow Clan MacGiggle family members. I understand that there will be FRIED turkey (hopefully without a flaming turkey, which is how the last fried turkey prepared for a meal I ate wound up), some mashed taters, some sweet taters (eww), veggies, and tasty desserts. I'm in charge of dips & chips, so I mixed up some garlic veggie dip using a couple of dip mixes I bought at the last craft show I went to, and some bleu cheese dressing from scratch. I got the recipe from a former co-worker, who got it, as I understand it, from some restaurant in Lake Dallas. He never gave me amounts, other than the block of cream cheese, but these are my best estimation:
1 pkg Cream Cheese (I have also used neufchatel cheese & it's just as yummy)
8-10 oz crumbled Bleu Cheese (the fresher the better)
6 oz buttermilk (if you want it to be dressing instead of dip consistency, add a couple of ounces of buttermilk)
Seasonings are approximate measurements as I tend to shake 'em in rather than measure
2t Garlic POWDER
1 ½ t Onion Powder
1 ½ t Fresh ground Pepper
2 t Basil
Let cream cheese come to room temperature, pour in buttermilk and blend with hand mixer until well mixed, then add Bleu cheese crumbles and seasonings. Beat until well mixed, chill and serve cold
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Blue Cheese dressing. Truthfully, I was about 9 before I even knew that there were salad dressings other than Blue Cheese or Greek. There are several others that I will eat, but my first choice will always be BC!
This week's random weirdness was pretty well nonexistent this week, for some reason, save for the wren or sparrow or something that somehow wound up in the house tonite. I have NO CLUE how it ended up in here, however it did. None of the doors or windows had been open for a couple of hours, which was totally bizarre. I had left my bedroom door open for my cats to have a little time wandering around the house. Leo was immediately on the HUNT when he caught sight of the bird. I managed to chase him around a bit, and catch him on the kitchen counter, put him in the bedroom with his sister, then open both the front and back doors to try and coax the bird out. It finally managed to get to the back door and see the exit, but it was about 20 minutes worth of trying to talk him/her out of the house! When I let the cats back out, apparently there had been some conversation that went something like this:
Leo: Girrrl, there's a bird out there, and I almost had it, but then Mom picked me up off the counter and put me back in here!
Bow: you were on the counter? NO FAIR, she wouldn't even let me sit in the drawer with all the little bottles in it.
Leo: did you not hear what I said? BIRD! Prey, chance to eat some REAL food.
Bow: yeah, yeah, you were ON THE COUNTER!
As soon as I opened the door, Bow was in the kitchen, working out the best path to the counter. As soon as she got up, I told her to get down, and she just stood there looking at me, hollering.
At any rate, that's about all for this Wednesday… Everybody have a great Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tuesday again
Every time I post, I swear I'm going to get better at it, but somehow it just doesn't work out that way. It's been a busy week is my only excuse.
The estate sale was NOT what I had hoped, largely, I believe because of my signage (or lack thereof). The sale was in Watauga, who has, frankly, RIDICULOUS rules for their garage sale signs. The permit, which includes 1 sign, WITHOUT a stick to put it in the ground, is $5. Additional signs, which require location addresses & property owner's permission are $2 each, and there is a limit of 4 of those. The permit must be purchased at least 12 hours prior to the sale beginning. So on Wednesday, I trotted on down to the Public Works office to get my permit & whatever I have to fill out to get the additional signs, which I planned to pick up Thursday morning & place. Oh HELL NO, I can't do that. The form for the signatures IS the permit, and everything has to be turned in at once, and since it was the middle of a work day, I was pretty much SOL on the additional signs. Oh, AND there are rules about WHERE on any given property the signs can be placed. On residential property, the sign must be 10 feet from the curb. On commercial property it's 20 feet! Umm, yeah, like any commercial property has something besides a freaking parking lot 20 feet from the curb?! In the end, I sold mostly little stuff, largely at garage sale prices, and had one small item stolen from me. A knife, priced at a quarter, is not in the box of miscellaneous kitchen utensils, and I KNOW it wasn't sold. That's ok, they didn't get the warning that should have gone with it… it's probably 70 years old (or more, it was my grandmother's) and it will slice ANYTHING, and could probably amputate a limb if necessary, so do NOT handle the blade unless you absolutely must! So when they reached into whatever they'd put it into to steal it and cut off a finger, it's not my fault… What's left is going to be sorted in the next few days into "garage sale", "Ebay", "Craigslist", and "try to consign". I suspect that my planned 5x10 storage space isn't going to hold all that needs to go into it.
This morning's task was to get to the Post Office with my Ebay auction items. I've now sold & shipped 11 items, and am working on what I want to put up next. I'm thinking I'll get some posted tomorrow evening, on 5 day auctions, and hopefully get some sold and paid for before I head to Dickens on the Strand. I'm thinking perhaps a batch of Christmas things that didn't sell in the sale, that might generate some interest. And relist the 5 Polonaise ornaments that didn't sell the first time they were listed.
Tonite we played beauty parlor over here, because two of us needed the gray covered up, and another needed a haircut. So now we all have fresh & pretty hair for Thanksgiving, YAY! It's been so long since I had someone to put color on my hair, I'd almost forgotten what it's like to get in the shower after it's been colored and not have to scrub dye off my arms from trying to get the back of my hair done!
I'm off to bed, to sleep, and hopefully remember some of the random weirdness of the last week or so for RWW tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Estate Sale
*x*x*x*x*x* PHOTOS OF SOME ITEMS*x*x*x*x*x*
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Counting Blessings
I have developed a tendency to see the negatives and dwell on those, instead of being grateful for what I do have.
- I have a safe, dry and warm place to lay my head, and that place includes space for my kitties.
- I have amazing friends who love me and come to my aid when I need assistance.
- I have a church family that has been loving and supportive for my entire adult life.
- I have an opportunity to grow and try new things.
- I am generally in good health
A dear friend sent this story to me in an email. I've seen it before, but it's a good reminder for anyone.
An elderly Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life
He said to them,
"A fight is going on inside me, it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.
One wolf is evil---he is fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, competition, superiority, and ego.
The other is good ---he is joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. ...
This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too."
They thought about it for a minute, and then one child asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win, Grandfather?"
The Elder simply replied, "The one you feed."
I am going to do my best, in this season of giving thanks, and preparing for Christmas, to feed the good one, and not the evil one.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Saturday musings

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Polonaise & other auctions
A couple of days ago I posted a bunch more stuff including 11 of the Polonaise 12 Days of Christmas series of glass ornaments. My mother started the series years ago, a set for her (ultimately me, since I am her only heir), and a set for my sister. I am not in love with them, and frankly, I think the last time I was even home for Christmas (before last year, when surgery kept me home) was maybe 2000? For the last oh, 6 or 7 years, I have been gone for Thanksgiving, then I'm home for a couple of weekends, then I head back out of town for Christmas, using my vacation days around the holidays, to maximize days off, while minimizing the # of vacation days I have to actually use, and I've been gone for 10-14 days, returning home either new year's eve, or right after New Year's. The last 2 years, I've also been out of town the weekend after Thanksgiving. There just doesn't seem to be a point to putting up all the decorations when I'm not going to be home to enjoy them. A couple of years ago, my sister had an incident at a party at her house that cost 3 or 4 of her ornaments in the series, and one of those she was never able to locate a replacement for, so I just gave her mine, since I was planning to sell them anyway.
I've also got a small Wedgewood box, dematisse cup & saucer made in Occupied Japan, a Troy Aikman Bobble head doll, a carnival glass bowl, and an English pewter coffee service. Hopefully they will all go well, and I'll have a little more $ in my account soon. I am going to have to work on my stories for the auctions that I'm going to post in the coming days and weeks, to drum up more interest, etc.
I think I've had all I can stand for the day, so it's about time to hit the bed before my brain goes all 'splodey cuz my head has hurt all day long!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Introducing Random Weirdness Wednesday
There’s been a pretty good bit lately, that I haven’t managed to post about yet. Most recently was this evening’s “fashion statement” at the restaurant where I had dinner with the teenager. My current phone takes crummy photos from any kind of distance and doesn’t zoom at all, but hopefully you can see the photo.
The kid has on jeans, a fitted tank top, and a long-sleeved shirt, which may or may not be a sweatshirt on. I know you’re asking yourself how I know what he has on under the long sleeved shirt, aren’t you? I know this because he only put the damned thing on half-way. Yep, apparently, he pulled it over his head, put his left arm in and pulled that side down toward his waist, and that’s all he did. The right side is still sitting on his shoulder, with the sleeve flapping around like some freaky, deflated extra appendage. Before you chime in with “maybe his arm is broken, or he has a shoulder problem” let me say that I saw him move his arm & shoulder freely, and apparently without pain, so I don’t buy that excuse. In the photo he’s outside talking on his phone like he’s some hip, important player or something. I wonder if he realizes how unkempt he actually appears.
Back in September, on the trip to Corpus, there was a good bit of RW, which, I suppose, is to be expected when you are driving through small town Texas.
In one little town, honestly, I don’t remember the name of the town, we drove past this sculpture, in front of a Knights of Columbus hall, and had to turn around and go back to be sure that we had seen what we thought we had seen. Sure enough, yep, a sculpture of what we have dubbed “alien baby fetuses”. Seriously? Who does a giant steel sculpture of FETUSES? It was just creepy!
Further down the road, in Hallettsville, there’s a restaurant called Snowflake Donuts & Chinese Food. Yeah, since I can’t even stand the scent of Chinese food, I’m pretty sure I’m glad they were closed, and we didn’t have to stop.
Spotted around Corpus:
Giant inflatable rhinoceros
Double baskets
On the road to Houston & in Houston
Beaver Nuggets? I think I’m afraid to know
RC car on the roof? Who drives their RC car on the roof??
And finally:
Ruffled panties for the BIG ASS chicks. UMM, yeah, we Fat Bottomed Girls need to add even MORE to our asses to fluff them up a bit!
Thanks for stopping by, and c'mon back next week for another installment of Random Weirdness Wednesday! MWAH!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Starting to settle in
Wednesday morning we loaded up the truck and moved to
Thursday, October 29, 2009
rough day
