Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 Reading list

So as I was completing the meme in my last post, when I came across the "What is the best book you read?" question, it occurred to me that I couldn't recall a single book that I had read.  Oh, I am sure that I DID read a few, but somehow amongst all the drama and bullshit stuff that went on last year, my memory has failed me when I needed to answer such a question.

I have always loved to read. There was a time, when I was in first or second grade, and we lived overseas, that I failed to get off the bus at the base officer's club for dance class after school because I was so engrossed in my book that I paid no attention to where I was until we had already passed the stop and I had no choice except to ride the rest of the way home. Fortunately, Mom had not yet gotten into the car to come pick me up from my lesson.
When I was in college, my reading was largely limited to the required texts for my History major and English minor, which was PLENTY of reading, for sure!  When I graduated, I'd had my fill of heavy reading, and for several years, the only things I read were Harlequin romances. They are easy to read, they always have a happy ending, and pretty much they are very predictable. If I got interrupted in the middle of a book, I didn't have to figure out what was going on, when I picked it back up again.
Over the last few years, I started picking up some other things, Harry Potter, some historical things, books about places I'd visited and found fascinating.  Somehow, in the last couple of years, I got really bad about buying books and not reading them.  Rarely do I go into a bookstore and come out with only one book. I try to find them on sale, and I can get lost for hours in a Half Price Books, wandering through the stacks!
My goal for this year, that I'm positive I can accomplish is to read or finish reading all of the books I've already got on my bookshelves that are unfinished, or unstarted.
Here is my list:
  1. Kabul Beauty School - Rodriguez, Deborah  
  2. Decoding the Celts - Hamilton, Claire & Eddy, Steve 
  3. The Dairy Queen - Rushby, Allison  
  4. **A Belizian Rainforest - Horwich, Robert H & Lyon, Jonathan  
  5. The Elegant Gathering of White Snows - Radish, Kris  
  6. Looking for Alaska - Jenkins, Peter  
  7. Gift of Power - Lame Deer & Erodes 
  8. **102 Minutes - Dwyer, Jim & Flynn, Keith 
  9. Shaman, Healer, Sage - Villoldo, Alberto  
  10. Ireland's Pirate Queen - Chambers, Anne  
  11. Magical Thinking - Burroughs, Augustin  
  12. Watching the Tree - Yen Mah, Adeline  
  13. She's come Undon - Lamb, Wally  
  14. it's a Chick Thing - Beanland, Ame Mahler & Terry, Emily Miles  
  15. The Book of Celtic Verse - Matthews, John  
  16. **Border Healing Woman - Babb & Little Dog  
  17. Galveston Rose - Powell, Mary  
  18. The Mermaid Chair - Kidd, Sue Monk  
  19. The Gathering - Enright, Anne  
  20. Celtic Myths & Legends

  21. Driving with Dead People - Holloway,Monica 
  22. Annie Freeman's Fabulous Travelling Funeral - Radish, Kris  
  23. How the Scots Invented the Modern World - Herman, Arthur

  24. The Other Boleyn Girl - Gregory, Phillippa

  25. How the Irish Saved Civilization - Cahill, Thomas

  26. The Way of the Pirate - Downie

  27. She Captains - Druett, Joan

  28. Harry Potter & Philosophy - Baggett

 So, that's a total of 28 books, 3 of which I've already started, but, frankly will need to start over again because it's been a year or more since I picked them up. I figure if I can get through a book every two weeks, I'll finish in about a year.  Several of them are smaller, and actually I can probably finish in a matter of days, we'll see.

What is on your reading list?

Keep In Mind: "No one is in control of your happiness but you, therefore you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change" Barbara De Angelis

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