Monday, October 3, 2011

Be a Blessing

Tonite, I was watching television, and since none of my usual shows are on Mondays, I flipped around until I found something interesting. I landed on TLC's Little People Big World, which I used to watch fairly regularly, but I've not watched it in probably a year. Tonite's episode focused mostly on Jeremy's move away from home to attend college. The one comment that caught my attention was when this kid said "I just hope that I can be a blessing." That's a pretty big statement coming from a kid. I know a lot of people who are blessings, both in my life, and in other people's lives, but I don't think I've ever heard any of them say that their goal is to be one.
I've had a couple of hard years, and I've been blessed with some wonderful people who have been there for me in my moments (and months) of need.
I've watched some awesome young people grow up in the past several years… some of them I've known since they were born, others it's been less time, but no less inspiring. The current crop of youth at Epworth amaze me on a regular basis. I've watched many of them grow from infants or small children into incredible young adults. They are good and kind people, and seem to have a sense of security in themselves and the direction they want to take in life, at least the class of 2012 does. I wish I'd had their grace and comfort with themselves and what they want in life when I was their age. Hell, I wish I'd had it when I was 10 years older than they are!
I get kind of wrapped up in myself sometimes, and on some level, that's how most people who are not married and have no children are. I don't think I'm overly selfish, and I certainly never expect anyone to do anything my way or the highway, because all relationships are about compromise on some level. I think, though that I've forgotten lately, that I've been blessed, and so I need to pass the blessings along when I can.

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