Wednesday, June 11, 2008

First Post

Ok, here I am with my shiny new blog... I guess the best place to start is an introduction. I've got a couple of blogs a couple of other places, but they are a bit more geared toward specific groups much of the time, and I really sort of want to consolidate. I'm a former Army brat, and by the time I was 10 and we retired from the Army, I'd lived 5 places for at least 6 months, and spent more than a week or two in 5 or 6 others as we transitioned from post to post. I'm my mother's oldest, and my father's 3rd child. I have 4 nephews & a niece that I enjoy immensely. My education is in History with an English minor, but I don't use my degree at all, which is fine, because I love what I do and the people I work with. Musical tastes run the spectrum from classic rock to country, to celtic and other world music. I like pretty much anything except rap, hip hop, and some of the newer 'metal'. My current passion is Celtic. I am totally in love with good piping... great highland pipes, uillean pipes, yep, I am good with pipe music. My favorite bands are The Rogues, Clandestine, and The Killdares. I'm also a big fan of Marc Gunn and the Brobdingnagian Bards. I'm addicted to renfaires and get to as many as I possibly can (especially if I'm going to find some of the bands above there)! I'm owned by a trio of fabulous kitties, who run amok through the house. Yep, when you see me, you're likely to see cat hair on me, or on my furniture, but since I've lived a total of maybe 2 years of my entire life without cats, I don't know what 'hairless' surroundings are. That's prolly enough for now...

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